A few weeks ago after playing an exhilirating round of mini-golf at the newly established Chucksters (Yes, Concord, NH, there is something to do after 6p), self-proclaimed home of the longest mini-golf hole in the world (see picture above), we went to get ice cream (at the self-proclaimed Chucksters). I had a hard time reading the sign of flavors, due to its being nighttime and our being so far away. One of the flavors looked like it said "Chocolate Chunky" something or other. As such, Chocolate Chunky Chicken ice cream was born. And we went on to create other delectable treats of homogenized, sugary, ice-creamy delight:
Chunky Chocolate Chicken
Clam Chowder
Clam Chowder
Gazpacho (just to break the run of 'C' words)
Beef Stew
But, lo and behold, what did I read the other day! Just when I believed I had struck upon something funny and disgusting, something that could be used in a blog entry, something that could get the millions of blog-reading denizens onto my site, thus creating a whirlpool of excitement and a frenzy of Biblical Harry Potter proportions, and catapulting me into the realm of literary and wordsmithing celebrity that I so deserve, I stumble upon an article. This article below, that I have so diligently provided a link to, that has stolen my thunder, and plummeted me into the depths of digital frustration, thrusting my ambitions of blogging dominance and world-conquering ways into despair, the only despair that can be cured by scotch, crushing my blog back into anonymity, indifference, and inconsequentiality, something to read only by your truly humble creator, and occasionally by The Girl.
All the flavors above might not be listed, but man, foiled again!
So, to help quell the despair and depressing thoughts entering into my dream-shattered psyche, I will attempt to reassure myself the only way I know how: with a giant bowl of Beets and Corn ice cream. Or Raw Horseflesh Ice Cream.
So many choices.
Hey, psst, occasionally is spelled with one s.
Viva la chocochickenchunk!
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